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Quanquan Pang


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2014–2017 博士 University of Waterloo化学系

2012–2014 硕士 University of Waterloo化学系

2008–2012 学士 华中科技大学材料科学与工程


2020 –今 助理教授 威廉希尔中文网站工学院能源与资源工程系

2020 –今 Co-PI 北京市工程科学与新兴技术高精尖创新中心

2017 – 2020 博后 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, DMSE

2017 博后 University of Waterloo, Chemistry



In our group, we are interested in solving the most urgent and tough energy problems in front of us, and we tackle the problems from the perspective of electrochemistry. We aim to develop efficient, reliable and yet low-cost batteries, geared towards grid energy storage and electric transportation, both of which are critical sectors for a clean and renewable future. We also aim to extend our expertise to develop electrochemical solutions for solving the pressing questions pertaining to fossil fuel shortage, CO2accumulation, innovation on resources recycling and exploitation. One thrust of our research is to develop new chemical systems and materials/chemical solutions (electrolytes, electrodes) towards our envisioned systems and applications, and the other is to understand the chemical/materials origin and mechanism of how it works or fails, by applying a range of characterization techniques developed by us and the field.


2020年跨学科领域全球高被引科学家。近几年在锂硫电池、锂金属电池、电解质、熔融盐电化学等领域的研究成果发表在Nature Energy(3篇),Joule(2篇),Matter, PNAS, Nature Commun., Adv.Mater., Adv. Energy Mater., Angew. Chem.,ACS Cent. Sci., ACS Nano等化学及能源期刊发表,共20余篇,总引用超过7000次,并与多家公司积极探索产业化研究。


1.Pang, Q., Kwok, C.Y., Kundu, D., Nazar L.F. (2018) Lightweight metallic MgB2mediates polysulfide redox and promises high-energy-density lithium-sulfur batteries.Joule,3,136.

2.Pang, Q., Shyamsunder, A., Narayanan, B., Kwok, C.Y., Curtiss, L.A., Nazar L.F. (2018) Tuning the electrolyte network structure to invoke quasi-solid state sulfur conversion and suppress lithium dendrite formation in Li–S batteries.Nature Energy, 3, 783.

3.Pang, Q., Liang, X., Kochetkov, I.R., Hartmann, P., Nazar L.F. (2018) Stabilizing lithium plating by a biphasic surface layer formed in situ.Angew. Chem.Int. Ed., 57, 9795.

4.Pang, Q., Zhou, L., Nazar L.F. (2018) An elastic and Li-ion-percolating hybrid membrane stabilizes Li metal plating.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 115, 12389.

5.Pang, Q.,Liang, X., Kwok, C. Y., Nazar, L. F. (2016) Advances in lithium–sulfur batteries based on multifunctional cathodes and electrolytes.Nature Energy, 1, 16132.

6.Pang, Q., Liang, X., Shyamsunder A., Nazar, L.F. (2017) Anin vivoformed solid electrolyte surface layer enables stable plating of Li metal.Joule,1, 871.

7.Liang, X.,Pang, Q., Kochetkov, I.R. Sempere, M.S., Huang, H., Sun, X., Nazar, L.F. (2017) A facile surface chemistry route to a stabilized lithium metal anode.Nature Energy, 2, 17119.

8. Pang, Q., Liang, X., Kwok, C.Y., Kulisch, J., Nazar, L.F. (2016) A comprehensive approach towards stable lithium-sulfur batteries with high volumetric energy density.Adv. Energy Mater., 7, 1601630.

9. Pang, Q., Tang, J., Huang, H., Liang, X., Hart, C., Tam, K.C., Nazar, L.F. (2015) A nitrogen and sulfur dual‐doped carbon derived from polyrhodanine/cellulose for lithium–sulfur batteries.Adv. Mater., 27, 6021.

10. Pang, Q., Kundu, D., Cuisinier, M., Nazar, L. F. (2014) Surface-enhanced redox chemistry of polysulphides on a metallic and polar host for lithium-sulphur batteries.Nature Commun., 5,4759.

11. Pang, Q., Nazar, L.F. (2016) Long-life and high areal capacity Li-S batteries enabled by a light-weight polar host with intrinsic polysulfide adsorption.ACS Nano,10, 4111.

12. Pang, Q., Liang, X., Kwok, C.Y., Kulisch, J., Nazar, L.F. (2016) A comprehensive approach towards stable lithium-sulfur batteries with high volumetric energy density.Adv. Energy Mater.,7, 1601630.