2.春季学期,仅有《基础汉语》初级(课程号Course No.04411003-02班)为“纯线上”教学。授课方式采用Canvas课程管理平台,配合Teams或腾讯直播的授课方式。开学前,请及时查看威廉希尔中文网站邮箱(以“@pku.edu.cn”或“@stu.pku.edu.cn”结尾的邮箱),上课链接、助教信息等都将通过威廉希尔中文网站邮箱发送给选课员工;
Dear students,
Please check the following notes about Elementary Chinese:
1.Please go to elective.pku.edu.cnto select courses as soon as possible. You should select your courses on the website elective.pku.edu.cn;
2.Only Elementary Chinese courses(Course No.04411003-02)are onlinein the spring semester. Teachers will use Canvas to manage the class with the teaching platform Teams or Tencent meeting.Please check your PKU email(ending with"@pku.edu.cn" or "@stu.pku.edu.cn") regularly, especially before the new semester starts. Links to classes and information from TAs will be sent to your PKU email only;
3. When the semester starts, if you want to change your courses, please operate on the course selection website elective.pku.edu.cn within the re-election time announced by the university;
4. If you have any questions related to credits, course selection requirements, and your programs, please consult the student affairs manager in your school first.
Thanks for your cooperation! We hope you will have a happy semester!
School of Chinese as a Second Language
December. 29th, 2022